Over the past couple of weeks I have been thinking a lot about Advent...
Here's a song we've really enjoyed listening to: "Celebrate The Day"
The meaning of the word Advent is "expectant waiting and preparation for something marvelous". So, during Advent season, we are celebrating and remembering the thousands of years that the world waited between the fall of Adam and the coming of Christ. As believers, we rejoice in the knowledge that the King has come to earth and given us the opportunity to live our lives with and for Him. What a glorious season this really is!
Since this will be our first time away from a country that celebrates Advent and Christmas as a major holiday, the meaning of this season and the meaning of Christmas has hit us in a new way.
During this time of year in our home country, the song "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" rings through the air. People are decorating, shopping, baking, giving out cards and going to Christmas parties every weekend. Churches and believers are celebrating and remembering the mercy of our Father by His provision of Christ. Children are thinking of toys, getting out of school, dressing up in plays and watching all the traditional and latest Christmas shows, stories and movies.
Yet in this country, most are amiss of the blessing that was received on that night so long ago. Most of the people here are just trying to survive the cold without power or house heaters. Christmas simply isn't a part of people's world here. Most have heard about Santa Claus, and may have watched some TV show about how a fictitious Santa makes it around the world to deliver presents. Most people here believe that Christmas is a worship festival of Santa Claus, very similar to many of their festivals.
So very few truly know the reason for the season. They haven't heard or don't understand that a loving God would fulfill many prophecies by sending His Son to earth to save us all from death and sin. They don't understand that we celebrate this season because God the Father sent Christ the Son to be born on earth so that He could die, be resurrected and give us the opportunity to pray for Him to save our lives! Oh what a glorious season and reason to celebrate!
Yet the people here are still waiting. They are waiting on a Savior. They are waiting on hope. They are waiting for true, real, peace. They are waiting on something, Someone who can save them from a ruthless dictator (satan, the king of this world) who has captured their minds and has many in this land enslaved. They are still in the Advent season, waiting for the King.
As you spend time this Advent and Christmas, I challenge you to pray for those who have yet to know or hear of our Lord and Savior. Think of all of those who are still in Advent, waiting for the Savior of the world, and ask our Father once again to make Himself known in the hearts of the people around the world. As we celebrate, lets pray that the "great tidings of great joy" will be true for all mankind.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Our First "HOME"
We're so happy to be able to share some pictures of our home here in our new city. It's the first time (after a YEAR of marriage!) that we aren't sharing living space with anyone else. We have to admit though, at first it was quite different (and really quiet), but now it's wonderful and we LOVE it!! Because we're only here temporarily, we only purchased the basic necessities. Once we reach our final city, we'll be even more excited to to settle in and build our home together. Thanks for following our journey each step of the way!!
Our lovely kitchen: water filter (check!), gas stove (check!), microwave (check!), veggies (check!) We're in good shape!! |
Our FIRST fridge!! |
Our neighbor who loves to just chill right outside of our front door, along with the herd of dogs that like to gather there, too! |
We put together 2 single weaved beds and put mattresses on top-- DEFINITELY looking forward to the time when we can get a real bed and sleep close again!! |
Our bathroom, complete WITH an american toilet and sometimes hot water! ;) |
Our living room and FIRST table & "almari" (shelf/stand). We just LOVE our big windows man!! |
OUR SAVING GRACE! Without this inverter, battery and stabilizer, we would have NO power for a majority of the day here! :) So glad to have these! |
Monday, September 10, 2012
Eternal Mindset
Lately, I've been rattled thinking about what it means to have our minds "set on the things above". I have thought over and over about what it looks like to truly have an "eternal mindset". In language class and again while visiting a different city, I was reminded of how an eternal mindset is crucial because the task He has called us to is a huge one, that only He can accomplish.
While visiting the other city, I was face to face with the wickedness and idolatry of the three major religions in our country. We saw idol worship in many forms- statues, trees/creation, tombs of dead "saints", buildings, animals, money, actions, living people, self, etc. (See pictures below). My heart was grieved at the sight of so many people outwardly worshiping anything but the living God. I was appalled at the thought of how many people worship creation and not the Creator.
A few days later, while in language class, I was reminded of another side of the same ugly coin. We read a book about war. The book "Why?" is a wordless picture book that blew me away with wordless emotion. I was reminded/destroyed for all of the war and hate that is happening in our world. In the country we live in, there are high tensions especially among religious groups. These tensions spill out every moment, reaching into the streets and ruining homes and lives. It is absolutely heartbreaking that all around the world there are wars and rumors of wars taking place day after day.
Then, I thought about how easy it is to get overwhelmed from all these things. How can we reach people with the Truth when there are so many lies and so much hate? I began to reflect on how worship is incredibly outward in this country, but how it is so inward and secretive in our home country. Each one of these idols are openly worshiped in the west, as well as the east. We inwardly hate and discuss it only in small groups. What is a believer to do? Where do we turn? Where do we go? If we know where to go, what do we do once we get there?
The Lord has been teaching and showing me lately how to handle these situations. It starts with a heavenly mindset. As Colossians 3:1-2 says:
"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."
An eternal mindset. We are to look to Christ and have our hearts and minds set on the things of Christ, living a cross centered life every day. No matter if you are a car salesman, an engineer, or a pastor, an eternal mindset focusing on Christ is the way to NOT be overwhelmed by this world.
Jesus said it best in John 16:33:
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
While visiting the other city, I was face to face with the wickedness and idolatry of the three major religions in our country. We saw idol worship in many forms- statues, trees/creation, tombs of dead "saints", buildings, animals, money, actions, living people, self, etc. (See pictures below). My heart was grieved at the sight of so many people outwardly worshiping anything but the living God. I was appalled at the thought of how many people worship creation and not the Creator.
A few days later, while in language class, I was reminded of another side of the same ugly coin. We read a book about war. The book "Why?" is a wordless picture book that blew me away with wordless emotion. I was reminded/destroyed for all of the war and hate that is happening in our world. In the country we live in, there are high tensions especially among religious groups. These tensions spill out every moment, reaching into the streets and ruining homes and lives. It is absolutely heartbreaking that all around the world there are wars and rumors of wars taking place day after day.
Then, I thought about how easy it is to get overwhelmed from all these things. How can we reach people with the Truth when there are so many lies and so much hate? I began to reflect on how worship is incredibly outward in this country, but how it is so inward and secretive in our home country. Each one of these idols are openly worshiped in the west, as well as the east. We inwardly hate and discuss it only in small groups. What is a believer to do? Where do we turn? Where do we go? If we know where to go, what do we do once we get there?
The Lord has been teaching and showing me lately how to handle these situations. It starts with a heavenly mindset. As Colossians 3:1-2 says:
"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."
An eternal mindset. We are to look to Christ and have our hearts and minds set on the things of Christ, living a cross centered life every day. No matter if you are a car salesman, an engineer, or a pastor, an eternal mindset focusing on Christ is the way to NOT be overwhelmed by this world.
Jesus said it best in John 16:33:
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
We are to set our mind on the One who overcame all of the troubles and problems in this world. The One who took all our sin to the cross and freed us from having to strive for perfection! The One who has given us life and delivered us from death! The One who has paid the price for us and the world!
It is in that mindset that the Lord will begin to transform not only me and you, but also all of the situations around us. Wars will stop. People will step into faith in Jesus. A movement of people who also want the "mind of Christ" will rise up around us and forsake the lies and contradictions of this world!
Oh Father, how we long to have you come into our hearts and soul in such a way that we are focused on your son, Jesus, while He sits at your right hand. We want to be focused on your Kingdom so that you can bring your Kingdom to earth through us! Answer the Lord's prayer through your slaves Lord! Bring light into the darkness all around us, pierce the powers of the evil one with Your Truth and bring your Kingdom in power! We love you Lord and give ourselves for Your service.
Incense, flowers, etc. being offered to the "gods" |
"Sacred" cows |
Upper level of a *Dargah* we visited. (*for more info click here: Dargah) |
Hanuman "god" statue. |
"gods" that are prayed to and worshipped daily. |
Statues of "gods" in a temple. |
Tree "worship" |
A *Minar* that we saw in the city we visited. (*for more info click here: Minar) |
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Oh, the WAYS We Go!
Big Truck, |
Bike Cart, |
Camel Cart, |
Cars & Cycles, |
Bull Cart |
Horse Cart |
Auto (aka Rickshaw) *We successfully fit 4 people in the back of one of these!* |
Wide Load Front |
Wide Load Back |
of course, the trains! |
Friday, June 29, 2012
Clay Pots and Language Learning!
It has been said that language is both a wall AND a window into people's hearts and minds. Without the ability to communicate (the language), we can't understand others or be understood by them. This is probably one of the most difficult things ever. In this case, language is definitely a wall. However, once we learn a language, it becomes a window into the hearts and minds of those around us. It's also the main way we communicate our thoughts, experiences and ideas.
In our minds, it doesn't seem "ideal" for Him to create different languages for each of the thousands of people groups in the world. That makes it MUCH more difficult for The message to be shared. Especially since before one could even communicate a simple story, s/he would have to spend a great deal of time learning the correct words in the language (not to mention the differences between cultures and how that would impact the meaning of the words used).
After doing a Biblical study of this topic with our AWESOME language coordinator, we learned that this was, in fact, His plan all along. Rev 4:8-11 says that we were created to worship and glorify Him, not ourselves. If we have fluent words and great speech, it is easy for people to glorify us and our great speaking abilities, while completely disregarding Him and His power.
Paul was a great example. When he came, he claimed NOT to come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring the testimony of God. He determined NOT to know ANYTHING among people except HIM and HIM crucified. He was with them in weakness, fear and much trembling. His speech and preaching were NOT with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that their faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the POWER OF GOD! {1Cor2:1-5}. Paul's letters were weighty and powerful, but his bodily presence was weak and his speech contemptible. {2Cor10:7}.
This is true for us as well. We do not have eloquent speech, nor are we extremely confident with the few words that we know. However, we have His message and trust that one day, their faith will also be in the power of God. Until then, we count it all joy to struggle through the process of learning language while being His clay pots, that all will recognize that the power is of GOD and not us! {2Cor4:7}. We are humbled daily and continually reminding ourselves of His promises. If we suffer with Him, we will also be glorified with Him. {Romans8:17}. He is the treasure we carry, not ourselves, and we trust that our lives shine His glory as we are transformed by His Spirit! {2Cor3:18}.
In our minds, it doesn't seem "ideal" for Him to create different languages for each of the thousands of people groups in the world. That makes it MUCH more difficult for The message to be shared. Especially since before one could even communicate a simple story, s/he would have to spend a great deal of time learning the correct words in the language (not to mention the differences between cultures and how that would impact the meaning of the words used).
After doing a Biblical study of this topic with our AWESOME language coordinator, we learned that this was, in fact, His plan all along. Rev 4:8-11 says that we were created to worship and glorify Him, not ourselves. If we have fluent words and great speech, it is easy for people to glorify us and our great speaking abilities, while completely disregarding Him and His power.
Paul was a great example. When he came, he claimed NOT to come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring the testimony of God. He determined NOT to know ANYTHING among people except HIM and HIM crucified. He was with them in weakness, fear and much trembling. His speech and preaching were NOT with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that their faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the POWER OF GOD! {1Cor2:1-5}. Paul's letters were weighty and powerful, but his bodily presence was weak and his speech contemptible. {2Cor10:7}.
This is true for us as well. We do not have eloquent speech, nor are we extremely confident with the few words that we know. However, we have His message and trust that one day, their faith will also be in the power of God. Until then, we count it all joy to struggle through the process of learning language while being His clay pots, that all will recognize that the power is of GOD and not us! {2Cor4:7}. We are humbled daily and continually reminding ourselves of His promises. If we suffer with Him, we will also be glorified with Him. {Romans8:17}. He is the treasure we carry, not ourselves, and we trust that our lives shine His glory as we are transformed by His Spirit! {2Cor3:18}.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Do You Hear the Voice of God??
While visiting Georgia, we had an incredible experience of hearing God's voice and the Spirit confirming through the body what we were hearing. One evening, God was reminding me of verses He'd shown me in my devotional time. Some were from 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 & 29:5-36, Luke 2:36-38, Psalm 134, Mark 9:29. After rereading the verses, I noticed that they had a few things in common:
1) people were in a desperate situation where they could look ONLY to God for help. (2Chr. 20:12)
2) they declared & praised the Lord for His attributes and power. Though they could only see the temporary, they chose to BELIEVE and TRUST GOD over their circumstances (2Chr. 20:6)
3) they heard and received GOD'S VOICE over all else, not fearing only BELIEVING. (2 Chr. 20: 15, 17, 20)
4) before approaching God's throne through prayer OR setting out to do His will, they realized their sin would impact others and that they needed to be sanctified (cleansed, purified, rid of all known sin & set apart for a holy purpose) (2 Chr. 29:5-19).
5) they sanctified themselves FIRST, then went out to cleanse the house of the Lord. (2 Chr. 20:15)
6) they called upon GOD (not their own strength or others) to hear and save them. (2Chr. 20:9)
7) as the people BOWED before the Lord and WORSHIPPED HIM, GOD MOVED and they defeated enemies, were established and prospered!! (2Chr. 20:18, 22)
8) Lastly, all the nations FEARED GOD when they heard (and saw!) that the Lord was with His people. (2Chr. 20:29
So... I told my husband that night that I felt God was really burdening my heart through the Word to intercede, to fast and pray for myself and those around me who are in situations that seem impossible, and to WORSHIP (sing and rejoice!) through them until God brings victory. The VERY NEXT MORNING, we met other believers to fellowship, pray and worship. The Spirit spoke to a lady whom we had never met, confirming all of the Scriptures that we wrote above. It was an INCREDIBLE experience and strengthened our faith in our "hearing abilities". Sometimes we tend to doubt what God is speaking to us. Isaiah 11:2 says that we have the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, etc. Verse 3 says "NOT to judge by the sight of the eyes or with the hearing of the ears".
Sometimes we question and doubt what we're hearing from the Lord. We must listen to God and not look/listen in the natural. 2 Corinthians 5:7 calls us to walk by FAITH and NOT BY SIGHT, right!? This is also one of the reasons He commands us "not to forsake the assembling of the brethren" (Hebrews 10:25). When the body of Christ gathers, each part supplies what is needed for the body to grow and move into all He is doing in and through them (Ephesians 4). We were listening to what He was saying but unsure. Our faithful God brought an amazing believer to our midst, sensitive to His Spirit, to confirm to us that we were hearing Him! In order to remind us of what God has spoken through His word and His spirit, she gave me her beautiful necklace. (See below!) How refreshing, encouraging and exciting it is when the brethren dwell in unity and the body functions as it's meant to! :)
So my question for you is... what situation are you in that you alone CANNOT solve? Humbly examine your own life, confess and repent of any sin and pour your heart out to the Lord (Psalm 55). Cry out to Him about whatever it is, He will hear and save! Worship Him for who HE is and all His marvelous attributes! Rejoice and praise Him until He brings the victory! Lastly, your faithfulness or your disobedience will have an impact upon those around you. Make sure you're sowing to the Spirit and not your flesh, so that you and those you love reap eternal life and instead of corruption (Galatians 6:8)!
1) people were in a desperate situation where they could look ONLY to God for help. (2Chr. 20:12)
2) they declared & praised the Lord for His attributes and power. Though they could only see the temporary, they chose to BELIEVE and TRUST GOD over their circumstances (2Chr. 20:6)
3) they heard and received GOD'S VOICE over all else, not fearing only BELIEVING. (2 Chr. 20: 15, 17, 20)
4) before approaching God's throne through prayer OR setting out to do His will, they realized their sin would impact others and that they needed to be sanctified (cleansed, purified, rid of all known sin & set apart for a holy purpose) (2 Chr. 29:5-19).
5) they sanctified themselves FIRST, then went out to cleanse the house of the Lord. (2 Chr. 20:15)
6) they called upon GOD (not their own strength or others) to hear and save them. (2Chr. 20:9)
7) as the people BOWED before the Lord and WORSHIPPED HIM, GOD MOVED and they defeated enemies, were established and prospered!! (2Chr. 20:18, 22)
8) Lastly, all the nations FEARED GOD when they heard (and saw!) that the Lord was with His people. (2Chr. 20:29
So... I told my husband that night that I felt God was really burdening my heart through the Word to intercede, to fast and pray for myself and those around me who are in situations that seem impossible, and to WORSHIP (sing and rejoice!) through them until God brings victory. The VERY NEXT MORNING, we met other believers to fellowship, pray and worship. The Spirit spoke to a lady whom we had never met, confirming all of the Scriptures that we wrote above. It was an INCREDIBLE experience and strengthened our faith in our "hearing abilities". Sometimes we tend to doubt what God is speaking to us. Isaiah 11:2 says that we have the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, etc. Verse 3 says "NOT to judge by the sight of the eyes or with the hearing of the ears".
Sometimes we question and doubt what we're hearing from the Lord. We must listen to God and not look/listen in the natural. 2 Corinthians 5:7 calls us to walk by FAITH and NOT BY SIGHT, right!? This is also one of the reasons He commands us "not to forsake the assembling of the brethren" (Hebrews 10:25). When the body of Christ gathers, each part supplies what is needed for the body to grow and move into all He is doing in and through them (Ephesians 4). We were listening to what He was saying but unsure. Our faithful God brought an amazing believer to our midst, sensitive to His Spirit, to confirm to us that we were hearing Him! In order to remind us of what God has spoken through His word and His spirit, she gave me her beautiful necklace. (See below!) How refreshing, encouraging and exciting it is when the brethren dwell in unity and the body functions as it's meant to! :)
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