It has been said that language is both a wall AND a window into people's hearts and minds. Without the ability to communicate (the language), we can't understand others or be understood by them. This is probably one of the most difficult things ever. In this case, language is definitely a wall. However, once we learn a language, it becomes a window into the hearts and minds of those around us. It's also the main way we communicate our thoughts, experiences and ideas.
In our minds, it doesn't seem "ideal" for Him to create different languages for each of the thousands of people groups in the world. That makes it MUCH more difficult for The message to be shared. Especially since before one could even communicate a simple story, s/he would have to spend a great deal of time learning the correct words in the language (not to mention the differences between cultures and how that would impact the meaning of the words used).
After doing a Biblical study of this topic with our AWESOME language coordinator, we learned that this was, in fact, His plan all along. Rev 4:8-11 says that we were created to worship and glorify Him, not ourselves. If we have fluent words and great speech, it is easy for people to glorify us and our great speaking abilities, while completely disregarding Him and His power.
Paul was a great example. When he came, he claimed NOT to come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring the testimony of God. He determined NOT to know ANYTHING among people except HIM and HIM crucified. He was with them in weakness, fear and much trembling. His speech and preaching were NOT with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that their faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the POWER OF GOD! {1Cor2:1-5}. Paul's letters were weighty and powerful, but his bodily presence was weak and his speech contemptible. {2Cor10:7}.
This is true for us as well. We do not have eloquent speech, nor are we extremely confident with the few words that we know. However, we have His message and trust that one day, their faith will also be in the power of God. Until then, we count it all joy to struggle through the process of learning language while being His clay pots, that all will recognize that the power is of GOD and not us! {2Cor4:7}. We are humbled daily and continually reminding ourselves of His promises. If we suffer with Him, we will also be glorified with Him. {Romans8:17}. He is the treasure we carry, not ourselves, and we trust that our lives shine His glory as we are transformed by His Spirit! {2Cor3:18}.
In our minds, it doesn't seem "ideal" for Him to create different languages for each of the thousands of people groups in the world. That makes it MUCH more difficult for The message to be shared. Especially since before one could even communicate a simple story, s/he would have to spend a great deal of time learning the correct words in the language (not to mention the differences between cultures and how that would impact the meaning of the words used).
After doing a Biblical study of this topic with our AWESOME language coordinator, we learned that this was, in fact, His plan all along. Rev 4:8-11 says that we were created to worship and glorify Him, not ourselves. If we have fluent words and great speech, it is easy for people to glorify us and our great speaking abilities, while completely disregarding Him and His power.
Paul was a great example. When he came, he claimed NOT to come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring the testimony of God. He determined NOT to know ANYTHING among people except HIM and HIM crucified. He was with them in weakness, fear and much trembling. His speech and preaching were NOT with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that their faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the POWER OF GOD! {1Cor2:1-5}. Paul's letters were weighty and powerful, but his bodily presence was weak and his speech contemptible. {2Cor10:7}.
This is true for us as well. We do not have eloquent speech, nor are we extremely confident with the few words that we know. However, we have His message and trust that one day, their faith will also be in the power of God. Until then, we count it all joy to struggle through the process of learning language while being His clay pots, that all will recognize that the power is of GOD and not us! {2Cor4:7}. We are humbled daily and continually reminding ourselves of His promises. If we suffer with Him, we will also be glorified with Him. {Romans8:17}. He is the treasure we carry, not ourselves, and we trust that our lives shine His glory as we are transformed by His Spirit! {2Cor3:18}.