Thursday, October 18, 2012

Our First "HOME"

We're so happy to be able to share some pictures of our home here in our new city. It's the first time (after a YEAR of marriage!) that we aren't sharing living space with anyone else. We have to admit though, at first it was quite different (and really quiet), but now it's wonderful and we LOVE it!! Because we're only here temporarily, we only purchased the basic necessities. Once we reach our final city, we'll be even more excited to to settle in and build our home together. Thanks for following our journey each step of the way!! 
Our lovely kitchen: water filter (check!), gas stove (check!), microwave (check!), veggies (check!) We're in good shape!! 
Our FIRST fridge!!
Our neighbor who loves to just chill right outside of our front door, along with the herd of dogs that like to gather there, too! 
We put together 2 single weaved beds and put mattresses on top-- DEFINITELY looking forward to the time when we can get a real bed and sleep close again!!
Our bathroom, complete WITH an american toilet and sometimes hot water! ;)
Our living room and FIRST table & "almari" (shelf/stand).
We just LOVE our big windows man!!
OUR SAVING GRACE! Without this inverter, battery and stabilizer, we would have NO power for a majority of the day here! :) So glad to have these!