Saturday, November 23, 2013

Fun Times in Thailand!

After a wonderful time visiting in India, we headed to Thailand for a relaxing and refreshing time together. If you weren't sure about coming to see us before, you may just want to now!! 
{Traveling in this part of the world can be EXHAUSTING!
After training, then taxiing to the airport, we waited for our flight!}
{Us, SUPER ready to be in Thailand!!}
 {Flying in over Phuket, Thailand}
{Our "bungalow"}
{Elephant we saw being transported as we walked to the beach}
{The sunset on our first night was GORGEOUS!}
After unpacking, we enjoyed DELICIOUS seafood and got massages! It was SO nice to RELAX and enjoy!!
{Getting stretched out!}
{Being tickled to death during his 'minnow massage'}
{He did learn not to play with his food... I promise!}
{For all the seafood lovers!!}
After enjoying some tasty food and getting caught up on some sleep... we planned a trip to visit another island and go snorkeling!
{Dad & Z gettin on board!}
{Dad & all his snorkeling gear!}
{Us & our snorkeling stuff!} 
{Dad & Z enjoying the sea breeze on our way to the Island!}
{Arriving on our Island}
{Snorkel time!}
We also visited the top of a mountain nearby our bungalow, where we could see the Big Buddha Phuket statue and temple. All over the world people are worshipping someone or something. Here, the deception is real and obvious. Pray that these people would worship the Living God and not things made by the hands of men.
{On our way up the mountain, we saw many places where people 
could wash, ride and take photos with elephants!}
 {We also heard monks offering songs & recitations on our way up}
{Idols and bells hung in the trees as offerings to "gods"}
{Finally, after a lot of steps, we made it to the top and saw Big Buddha}
{On the way down the mountain, we saw this monkey tied to a chair.
We thought he'd hurt himself but apparently he's quite a $ maker!}

We spent the rest of our time just enjoying the beach and being together and in case you didn't hear... 
 {Dad & Z enjoying fun in the sun (and water!)}
{Definitely one of the most beautiful beaches we've ever seen!}
{Baby *BOY* Cawthorn... due Jan 16th!}

After a WONDERFUL trip and a couple more days of traveling and souvenir shopping, we made it back to Delhi, where we sent Dad back to the US! 
{Saying 'bye for now' at the airport}
No worries though, we'll be back in the States in MAY 2014!! :) 

Dad's Visit, Pt. 1

Here are pics & highlights from our very special time together! Hope you enjoy and maybe you'll consider coming to visit this INCREDIBLE country too! :) 

{Visiting brothers/sisters & FIRST time eating with his HANDS!}
{The guys & our first language helper's son}
{Our very first language helper & her precious girls!!}
 {Train station in Delhi... mad chaos as usual!}
{First train ride and first Indian "chai"}
-His face says it all... haha!
{Welcome to our world!!}
{Bonding with our latest addition, *MOCHA*}
She adopted us almost 2 months ago!
About this time, Dad CLEARLY began to see how different life is for us here. Some things that really stuck out to him were... 
-this country has one of the highest traffic death rates in the world.
{MOTORCYCLE is our main method of transportation here. 
He was SUPER thankful for Z's GREAT driving skills!}
{Trash, trash, trash and then more TRASH.}
-For such a beautiful country, full of color & life, there's lots of... TRASH!
{LANGUAGE ability. Dad felt MUCH more comfortable with us being here after he realized we can speak the language, get around and take care of daily responsibilities (like buying fresh fruit!).}
 {The NEEDY. There's lots of people here with very little. 
He felt grateful for all he has & can get in our home country!}
{PEOPLE. There's lots of people EVERYWHERE.
This is just a snapshot of the crowded streets we walk often!}
Once he saw us in 'BUSINESS MODE', hitting the markets, choosing/checking materials, bartering, laughing and building relationships with the shop owners and other friends, it gave him a much clearer idea of our life & work here. 
{Buying materials from markets is definitely a TEAM effort!! 
 {Ladies choose nice color/design material & guys check for quality!}
{MONKEYS... there are LOTS here!!
Dad was excited to see them every time!}
Another highlight was meeting this tailor and immediately making friends! The man made him his first fitted shirt from materials he chose at the market but the best part was being welcomed into their shop, having 'chai' and chatting about their lives! I'm sure neither the tailor or Dad will forget this meeting! 
{New TAILOR FRIENDS, welcoming Dad to this country so well!}
{Getting measurements taken for his first custom made, fitted Tshirt!}
After getting a taste of our life, we ROAD TRIPPED to AGRA to do some sightseeing of the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort (more info:
{Couldn't believe we were there!!}
{Don't you just LOVE our slipper socks, cleanliness, cleanliness!}
{Super intricate design & artwork, so beautiful!
{Entrance into Agra Fort}
{Courtyard View}
{Cool view from inside the Fort}
{Silly guys at the end of our tour}