Saturday, April 5, 2014

Growin' Boys & Our Trip to the Park!

We decided to take Elisha out to visit a park one day. We had a great time outside enjoying the pretty trees & flowers! Because we're some of the only foreigners in our city, we were also 'stared at' a lot and asked to take pictures with random people. Interesting and fun day!

          {BIG SMILES from our little man!}    {Who loves mommy the MOST???}
             {Blowin bubbles, finding his tongue and his hands… SO MUCH FUN & CUTENESS!!!}
 {Our visit to the park, filled with palm trees, beautiful flowers and our PRECIOUS gift from G0d!!}

{Elisha lovin' on his daddy, snugglin' and lookin' around at everything like a little man!}
 {One of our FAVORITE times together as a family… BATH TIME!!! Always lots of smiles & love!}
{Our 'serious', grown up man in a little guy's body!}

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