Thursday, June 12, 2014

Moments Before Our Trip to the US!!

Below are some highlights from our last couple weeks in Asia before we left to visit the US. Enjoy pics of friends & family we're looking forward to seeing again when we're back for another 2 years August!! :)
{Elisha is MUCH happier with Daddy riding the train!}
 {Rolling all over the place now!}
{Happy Smiles!}
{Elisha meeting our old neighbors!}
{This Auntie loves me LOTS!!}
{Sweet girls lovin on Elisha!}
 {Fun with friends!}
{Our national & foreign coworkers & friends}
{Our group with the newest addition!}
{Our national & foreign coworkers & friends!}
{Our coworkers~ EXPECTING their addition early December!}

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