Sunday, October 4, 2015

Auntie Sammie Came!! :)

A few pics from when Auntie Sammie visited us. She couldn't have come at a better time and couldn't have been more of a blessing. ALL of us were so thankful to spend time together, laugh, and just enjoy family. Now if only Uncle Nick would let her come again..... ;) 

 {E enjoying the most & greenest grass we've EVER seen in this country!}
                           { concentrating... }                     {Look who we found at the airport!}
 {Snatched her up and didn't want to let her go!}
 {Happy Hud enjoying time outside with Auntie!}
 {Til the monkey came in and we all ran inside!}
 {Had to get her on the bike!}
 {Hud's got a favorite Auntie!}
 {Crazy foreigners at Red Fort... }
 {Pretty ladies}
 {Flag flying on a beautiful day!}
{Entrance to the Fort}

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